ESG Data


Index Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
CO2 Emissions Scope 1,2 - Consolidated *1 *2 *3 ★ t-CO2 36,614 36,805 38,753 47,707 41,896
  CO2 Emissions Scope 1 - Consolidated t-CO2 - - - 6,395 5,494
CO2 Emissions Scope 2 - Consolidated t-CO2 - - - 41,312 36,402
CO2 Emissions Scope 3 - Non-consolidated t-CO2 - - - 1,509,335 1,256,033
  Ct 1 Purchased parts and services t-CO2 - - - 386,650 297,531
Ct 2 Capital Goods t-CO2 - - - 35,334 62,000
Ct 3 Upstream fuel and power t-CO2 - - - 5,231 5,016
Ct 4 Procurement and shipping logistics t-CO2 - - - 19,619 16,183
Ct 5 Business waste t-CO2 - - - 1,458 1,161
Ct 6 Business travel t-CO2 - - - 621 599
Ct 7 Commuting t-CO2 - - - 1,970 1,900
Ct 8 Leased assets (upstream) t-CO2 - - - - -
Ct 9 Shipping logistics (downstream) t-CO2 - - - - -
Ct 10 Product Processing t-CO2 - - - - -
Ct 11 Product Use t-CO2 - - - 1,057,501 870,959
Ct 12 Disposal of products t-CO2 - - - 951 686
Ct 13 Leased Assets (downstream) t-CO2 - - - - -
Ct 14 Franchising t-CO2 - - - - -
Ct 15 Investment t-CO2 - - - - -
CO2 Credits t-CO2 - - - 2,775 2,622
  Green Power Certificates t-CO2 - - - 2,370 2,095
J-Credits t-CO2 - - - 405 527
Electricity consumption - Consolidated *4 MWh - - - 89,380 82,073
Solar power generation - Consolidated MWh 437 1,751 4,316 5,805 5,661
Green Power Certificates MWh - - - - 4,850
Renewable energy consumption (electricity) *5 MWh - - - - 10,511
Renewable energy ratio (electricity) *5 % - - - - 12.8
Waste emissions - Consolidated t 1,453 1,353 1,566 1,638 1,357
  Japan *6 t 1,210 1,107 1,138 1,232 1,052
  Hazardous waste emissions *7 t - - - - 71.6
Overseas *8 t 243 246 428 406 305
Water consumption - Consolidated 1000㎥ 479 496 535 542 464
  Japan *9 1000㎥ 415 419 442 447 392
  Groundwater 1000㎥ 295 291 299 313 280
Tap water 1000㎥ 71 70 89 77 57
Industrial water 1000㎥ 49 58 54 57 54
Overseas *4 1000㎥ 64 78 93 95 72
  Groundwater 1000㎥ - - - - -
Tap water 1000㎥ - - - - -
Industrial water 1000㎥ - - - - -
Water discharge - Consolidated 1000㎥ - - - - -
  Japan *9 1000㎥ 313 338 387 343 286
  Public water bodies *10 1000㎥ 234 249 301 252 208
Sewer system *11 1000㎥ 79 89 86 91 78
Overseas 1000㎥ - - - - -
Environment-related non-compliance *12 Case 1 1 1 1 0


Index Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Employees - Consolidated *13 People 4,470 4,515 4,660 4,684 4,645
  Male People 3,287 3,283 3,347 3,352 3,334
Female People 1,183 1,232 1,313 1,332 1,311
Female employee ratio % 26.47 27.29 28.18 28.44 28.22
Number of overseas employees People 1,701 1,752 1,926 2,007 1,927
Overseas employee ratio % 38.05 38.80 41.33 42.85 41.49
Employees *13 - Non-consolidated People 2,485 2,469 2,431 2,373 2,407
  Male People 2,122 2,093 2,049 1,991 2,002
Female People 363 376 382 382 405
Female employee ratio % - - - 15.8 16.8
Managers - Non-consolidated *13 People 317 319 328 324 322
Femal managers - Non-consolidated *13 People 3 5 8 13 15
Percentage of female workers in management positions *13 - Non-consolidated % - - - 4.0 4.7
Percentage of female workers in section manager level positions *13 - Non-consolidated % - - - 9.4 9.0
Percentage of female workers in executive level positions *13 - Non-consolidated % - - - 10.0 10.0
Percentage of employees with disabilities - Non-consolidated *13 % 2.11 2.24 2.10 2.38 2.30
New graduate recruitment - Non-consolidated People 131 61 51 50 58
  Male People 90 41 37 38 38
Female People 41 20 14 12 20
Mid-career recruitment - Non-consolidated People 4 5 7 14 92
  Male People 3 2 5 12 72
Female People 1 3 2 2 20
Percentage of female workers among employed workers - Non-consolidated % - - - 21.9 27.6
Number of union members People 2,202 2,183 2,132 2,076 2,116
Union-member employee ratio % - - - - 69.9
Number of resignees (excluding mandatory retirees) - Non-consolidated People - - - 51 49
Resignation rate (personal reasons) - Non-consolidated % - - - - 2.04
Average tenure - Non-consolidated *11 Years 16.2 16.6 17.1 17.3 17.0
  Male Years 16.6 17.0 17.5 17.7 17.4
Female Years 14.0 14.3 14.9 15.4 14.8
Difference in average continuous years of service of men and women - Non-consolidated Years 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.3 2.6
Average age - Non-consolidated Age 40.7 41.1 41.5 41.8 41.8
Number of overtime work hours - Non-consolidated Hour - - - 63,229 40,337
Utilization rate of annual paid leave - Non-consolidated % 70.9 63.6 69.1 75.7 72.6
Number of people using parental leave scheme - Non-consolidated People 10 26 26 42 50
  Male People 2 5 15 31 35
Female People 8 21 11 11 15
Male childcare leave taking rate - Non-consolidated % - - - 54.4 57.4
Number of people using shortened working hours scheme for childcare - Non-consolidated People 60 61 62 64 65
Number of people using nursing care leave scheme - Non-consolidated People 3 2 1 2 3
Average compensation of employees - Non-consolidated Yen 5,902,597 5,978,861 6,814,651 7,257,964 6,971,745
Gender wage gap (all workers) - non-consolidated % - - - 62.8 64.6
Gender wage gap (permanent full-time workers) -Non-Consolidated % - - - 71.1 71.7
Gender wage gap (part-time and fixed-term workers) - Non-consolidated % - - - 91.7 81.8
Occupational accident frequency rate - Non-consolidated *14 - 0.64 0.64 1.03 1.07 0.49
Severity rate of work-related injuries - Non-consolidated *15 - 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Absenteeism Day - 0.77 1.54 1.22 1.36
Presenteeism % - - - 37.3 23.6
Work engagement - - 48 48 47.9 48.4
Health checkup taking rate - Non-consolidated % - 100 100 100 100
Stress check implementation rate - Non-consolidated % - 96.7 95.9 95.8 95.7
Percentage of workers with high stress - Non-consolidated % - 5.3 6.7 10.8 9.3
Education and training expenses - Non-consolidated Million Yen 65 57 66 69 70

Corporate Governance

Index Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of Directors *13 People 8 7 7 6 6
  Male People 7 6 6 5 5
Female People 1 1 1 1 1
Number of Auditors *13 People 4 4 4 4 4
  Male People 4 4 4 4 4
Female People 0 0 0 0 0
Number of Outside Directors *13 People 6 6 6 6 6
  Number of Independent Directors People 6 6 6 6 6
  Number of Outside Directors People 3 3 3 3 3
Number of Outside Audit
& Supervisory Board members
People 3 3 3 3 3
Number of times the Nominating and Compensation Advisory Committee was held Time 4 4 6 5 6
Anti-takeover measure *13 - Discontinued
in June
None None None None
  • *1CO2 emissions after subtracting electricity from Green Power Certificates from FY2023
  • *2The scope of the calculation will be expanded to include applicable Group companies and applicable energy sources from FY2022 (excluding overseas sales companies)
  • *3Emission factors are market-based (adjusted emission factors) in Japan and location-based in other countries from FY2022
  • *4Excluding overseas sales companies
  • *5Including green power
  • *6Total industrial waste from CKD non-consolidated plants
  • *7Total industrial waste requiring special management of industrial waste from CKD non-consolidated plants
  • *8Excluding Austin Plant and sales offices in the U.S. among overseas group companies
  • *9Total of CKD's non-consolidated plants
  • *10Komaki plant (including rainwater and cooling water), Kasugai plant (including rainwater and cooling water), Inuyama plant, Yokkaichi plant
  • *11Komaki Plant, Tohoku Plant
  • *12Total of CKD non-consolidated plants
  • *13As of the end of the fiscal year
  • *14Number of deaths and injuries from industrial accidents per million total working hours. Frequency of industrial accidents.
  • *15Number of working days lost per 1,000 total working hours. Degree of severity of accidents.

  • FY2023 data for items marked with ★ are guaranteed by an independent third party.
    Independent Assurance Report
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